The car park outside the gym is not available for parking at present due to the COVID restrictions, we are using this as a drop off and pick up point for parents.
Can we ask that no one is parking in this area as this causes problems for parents dropping off and picking up. This will help with the the smooth process of drop off and pick up.
Please park elsewhere as there is plenty of parking around Kingston.
Your co-operation on this will be greatly appreciated
4pm beginner class today cancelled.
Unfortunately we have to cancel our beginner class today following the sad news concerning the coach who is dealing with a family issue.
All other classes will go ahead as normal but unfortunately we couldnt get this class covered.
We are very sorry to do this and hope you understand.
Our thoughts go out to our coach.
As with the rest of the country we have been forced to close in order to contain this epidemic.
So the options available to you are:
1) Keep your memberships going as usual despite the closure. We appreciate your support in these hard and uncertain times.
2) Freeze your membership which is £10 per month. This retains your place in your allocated class. Once we reopen you will be guaranteed your place in your allocated class and move back to full membership.
3) Cancel your membership, which we totally understand. If you do cancel you will have to re-register with us once we do open and we cannot guarantee your place.
What ever you decide please get in touch so we can make the necessary changes to direct debits etc.
Keep safe and hope to see everyone ounce we are back to normal.
Once again thanks for support and understanding in such difficult times.
New FUN session
Come and try our new fun session and make new friends, practice what you have learnt in our classes etc.
Open Gym will be closing earlier on Tuesdays in December
Our Tuesdays open gym sessions will close slightly earlier at 9pm in December
Christmas holiday closures
We will be closed from the 2323rd December till the 1st Jan.
Sessions start again on the 2nd Jan 2018
Happy Christmas and New year to you all.
Snow closure today
Closures today due to the snow. Sorry for the inconvenience. Stay safe people
Gym closure Sunday 30th April
We will be closing the gym on Sunday 30th April due to staff shortages.
Easter half term
We are open as usual and are not closed through out the Easter half term.
You can still book into the holiday club on Wednesday. Purchase your tickets from our website
Feb half term holiday camp tickets
There are only a few places left on our holiday camp this February half term.
Book online now to avoid disappointment.